Hemoglobal® is interested in helping children with all blood diseases in Asia. At present, we focus our efforts in Sri Lanka and India, but we are open to helping others in other countries who request help. On this page, you can learn more about what it means to be a child in Asia diagnosed with a blood disorder, and why location matters.
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Children Who Need Our Help
Children Who Need Our Help Hemoglobal® is interested in helping children with all blood diseases. At present, we focus our efforts in three blood disorders: thalassemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and hemophilia. Thalassemia: This inherited hemoglobin disorder, the disease on which
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Different Places, Different Needs
Different Places, Different Needs In Sri Lanka, updated treatment for most blood diseases is available for many children, in part because of the country’s longstanding and well-developed public health system, which includes the availability of essential drug treatment to most citizens.