Privacy Policy
Thank you for visiting Hemoglobal’s website.
The information we collect about you is limited to one-time financial information (donations), e-mail, and contact information. With your full consent, we will store only your contact information to inform you of future Hemoglobal news and activities.
Information about your visit – In order to improve access to our website and determine what information visitors access most frequently, we may track statistics such as IP address, browser type, domain name, access times and referring website addresses.
Cookies – Like most websites, Hemoglobal uses small pieces of information called “cookies” that are stored on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies let us “remember” information about your preferences and allow you to move within areas of our site quickly and easily. These cookies contain anonymous, non-personal information.
Third-party sites – This site contains links to external websites. Hemoglobal is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any third-party Web site.
Updates – We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version will always be posted to this website.
Contact Information – If you have any questions, please contact us at
Hemoglobal is committed to protecting personal information provided to us by employees, volunteers, donors and clients in compliance with Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). This Privacy Policy applies whenever Hemoglobal collects personal information that is subject to privacy treatment under PIPEDA.
Under PIPEDA, personal information is any type of information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual, e.g. name, ethnic origin, blood type, age, employee files, telephone, address, etc.
Hemoglobal is committed to the following ten principles under PIPEDA.
- Accountability
Hemoglobal and its staff are responsible for the protection of your personal information we collect, as well as the information we transfer to a third party for any type processing or consideration.
- Identifying Purposes
Before or when any personal information is collected by Hemoglobal, we identify to you why it is needed and how it will be used. Any new purpose for the collected personal information will be disclosed and individual’s consent will be obtained before using this information.
- Consent
Hemoglobal will obtain your consent before or at the time of information collection.
- Limiting Information Collection
Hemoglobal only collects information for the purposes that have been identified and only with your consent.
- Limit Use, Disclosure and Retention
Hemoglobal only uses, discloses and/or retains your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected.
- Accuracy
Hemoglobal is committed to using only the most correct personal information that we collect and only from the actual individuals whose information is collected.
- Safeguards
Hemoglobal protects personal information against theft or loss and we safeguard the information from unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
- Openness
We have privacy policies and procedures in place and we make these policies and practices easily available whenever appropriate for the purposes for which we collect your personal information.
- Individual Access
Upon request, Hemoglobal informs individuals if we have any personal information about them, the reasons why we have collected and retained this information, as well as provide access to this information. Individuals have the right to amend any personal information that Hemoglobal holds about them. Please contact us at if you wish to update any of your personal information we hold, or if you wish to have full access to your personal information.
- Challenging Compliance / Recourse
Please contact our dedicated staff at if you have concerns, complaints or questions about our privacy policy and Hemoglobal’s compliance to our privacy policy.